50 shades of Scorch933

My name is Peter jessica, I am a guy in my mid 40s. One day, I was scrolling through my parent's cars when I saw a computer from 1999 with a whole bunch of words that said edgy. I opened it and it turned on just fine, and on the computer was nothing but a single chat room.
I was shocked at first, but then I decided to go in. There, I met a guy named Scorch933, wearing clothing that could only be described as emo. I decided to tell some emo jokes when he bitched and complained about the joke. I called him edgy, and that is when I felt some sort of dildo blade cutting my heart.
I asked why am I feeling pain? He told me this: "it's because you're all fucking cuck fatasses who I can't wait to watch get executed in some concentration camp when they decide who's efficient and who's not xD". The blade of the dildo sword went deeper in, I decided to call him edgy one more time, he got mad and pissed himself and then told me this: "Seriously, being edgy is when I shut up, stop talking, and stop joking around". Later on I died of massive mind loss.